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Is Bong Water Suitable For Plants?

Is Bong Water Suitable For Plants?

As of now, we have established that marijuana, aside from theatrical smoke, also has health benefits. These dry flowers are good for stress and better for calming down anxiety, and relaxing your nerves.But how will you react when we explain you marijuana is still applicable even after it’s burned and blown off. 

Yes, since we are all into saving the earth mode now, everyone is turning into a self-proclaimed activist; they are into saving waste full-on. So, the question arises, is bong water suitable for plants? Can you water plants with bong water? And many more regarding the disposal of anything after the use. First of all, Let’s understand what’s in bong water?

what is bong water?

Bongs are water pipes that are used for smoking cannabis or tobacco. Bong water is a catch-all term for the substances that are left behind after hitting a bong hit. The substances in bong water can range from just the resin and ash from the cannabis plant, to tar and carcinogens. There are various types of bongs available in the market. However, in case of emergency, you can also make bong out of water bottle. Bongs are also often used as makeshift pipes for other drugs, such as cocaine or heroin.

substances in bong water

Bong water is the liquid that collects in the bottom of a bong. Bongs are a type of smoking apparatus where you fill the bottom with water to filter out some of the harmful chemicals in smoke. When you take a hit, some smoke goes into your mouth and gets filtered through your lungs. The rest goes into the bong and is filtered by water before it comes up for air.The water that is used in bongs is usually filtered, bottled or boiled.

The water in the bong is called “bong water”. Bongs are also often used as makeshift pipes for other drugs, such as cocaine or heroin. Bong water is generally not safe to drink, as it contains harmful substances like nicotine, tar and other chemicals that are found in cigarettes and cannabis.

Is Bong Water Suitable For Plants?

Getting straight to the point, bong water is not suitable for plants. We get it; you are into “Go Green,” and others save the planet’s stuff, but that does not make you eligible to do whatever you wish in the name of recycling. It is a common misconception people get about bong water. Yes, the bong is good for your health. Yes, the THC and other cannabinoids do not break down and infuse in the water despite the smoke that passes through it. But is bong water suitable for plants? 

does bong water help plants grow?

The answer is NO!

There is nothing with the thought of using every part after a smoking bong. However, it is proven that bong water is not ideal for plant growth. To clarify, the high bacterial and mold contents present in the bong water are usually acidic. And disclaimer alert! It is harmful to your plants. Bongwater has only one use to it, and that is to filter the marijuana smoke and nothing more. If you are a new plant parent thinking about using the bong water, I recommend you make an intelligent decision.

can bong water be used to water plants?

To go further into details of “Is bong water good for plants,” it all depends on whether you were smoking or vaping. Winston Pek, a cannabis expert, and owner of Herbonaut, pitched his thoughts on this whole “Is bong water good for plants” conundrum. 

According to Pek, the bong water used for vaping is far safer than the one used for smoking. “Bongwater used in smoking contains significantly more toxins and tar than bong water used for vaping. Vaping reduces 80-90% of toxin release compared to smoking.” And tobacco and cannabis are a dangerous combination that could ensue a hazardous concoction for your house plants. 

Peki himself stated that the mixture is far more toxic than cannabis alone. Now that’s settled, we may think the bong water used for vaping is suitable for watering plants, then? But wait, Pek advised it is only okay to water occasionally. “Bongwater from a bong that’s only been used for vaping pure cannabis is alright now and then (not every day).”

So, listen to the expert.

will bong water kill plants?

Unfortunately, bong water is harmful to use for your house plants. Ironically, even though the water is technically a decomposed water plant, it could kill your plants. The water is loaded with germs and bacteria, which is high on the acidic side of the pH scale. You should always have an idea about how much water to put in a bong

This also answers your question of “does bong water help plants grow” and it is simply no. However, if your soil is too acidic for your plants, use bong water. Why? Because bong water restores the pH to normal.


can i use bong water to water plants?

Similar to “is bong water good for plants,” you cannot use bong water to water your house

plants. As we have established, the bong water is nothing but toxic to your beloved plants.

The mouldy and toxin-vested water brings nothing good to your plants. No, not even a cactus can handle the toxic bong water.

can i water plants with bong water?

No, you cannot water plants with bong water. Not unless you are fed up with your house plants and are too soft-hearted to throw or give them to someone else.

do plants like bong water?

No, it is unhealthy to water house plants with bong water as the toxins in the water could kill the plant.

does bong water help plants?

No, bong water does not necessarily help plants of any kind, whether it is cactus succulents or hydrangeas. This is strict,” however,” but don’t use bong water unless your soil is too acidic for your plants. Since bong water brings up the soil’s pH level, it is perfect for restoring the pH to normal.