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How To Not Look High

How To Not Look High

We get it; you love the high that cannabis gives you. You love the fact that the leaf allows you to deal with your anxiety and you may also love the fact that it’s great recreational stuff. However, there are several instances in our lives where we need to hide our high from the rest of the world. If you are looking for how to not look high then you are at the right place!

In every weed user’s life there comes a time when they need to know how to not look high or how to look less high. Even though weed has become legalized in almost all states now, people still haven’t accepted it and there is some stigma attached to its use. 

How Can People Detect That You Are High?

People who smoke marijuana quite regularly may become pro at hiding that they are high. The sign of their high is also not so pronounced. However, when it comes to a newbie smoker, the herb can have some very evident signs. Newbie smokers are not that good at hiding their high. Additionally, weed can produce certain panic and anxious reactions in them. 

Physical evidence of smoking marijuana is a delayed reaction, red eyes, and slow muscle coordination. Sometimes, your munchies can also giveaway your high. Psychological symptoms can be sudden mood swings.

how do you look to others when you are high?

There are several ways to detect that you are high. Among them, the most obvious one is the red eyes. Red eyes are the ultimate sign that can giveaway your toke. Apart from how you look while high, your actions can tell the world that you have smoked marijuana.

Dizziness, slow movements, lethargy, hunger, and paranoia are all the signs that scream you are high.

tips on how not to look high

When you are really high it is very hard to differentiate between what is normal and what is not. Some people might not be able to stop their laughter at silly little things; some may start giving one-word answers to everything that is asked of them. In such cases, the best way is to calm down and then perform any action.

When you are looking for how to stop looking high, these are the ways:

  • Hide your marijuana

The first and foremost thing you need to do to hide your high is, hide your stash. Whenever you are planning to head out or expecting some company, hide your weed where no one can find them. While you are at it, also hide away your bong and lighter. Hide your weed in such a place where its smell will also be undetectable.

  • Take a shower

Taking a shower has two-fold effects when it comes to hiding you are high. First, it obviously washes off all the marijuana smell from your skin, hair, and clothes. Second, taking a shower can provide a calming and grounding experience that can also bring down the psychological signs of your high.

  • Remain in the background

The best way to not look high is to wear off the effects of cannabis and the best way that can be achieved is by letting some time pass. With time the high of cannabis comes down and then you will be less detectable of smoking weed.

For instance, if you take the herb to lower your anxiety before a big event it is best to arrive a bit late.

  • Use eye drops

Do eye drops sober you up? Or do eye drops make you less high?

Many cannabis users who want to conceal the fact that they are high have these questions. The answer is of course not, eye drops cannot sober you up but yes they do conceal the bloodshot eye that one gets after getting high. 

Smoking cannabis affects the blood vessels of the eyes. This effect can be reduced by any regular eye drops. All the regular eye drops are capable of reducing the redness and hydrating the eyes which reduces the bloodshot eye effect.

  • Use Sunglasses

Sunglasses are another great solution when you are wondering how to look not high. Especially, when you need to head out and attend an outdoor event. Just keep in mind, don’t wear sunglasses inside. Then, it will make it obvious that you are high and you are trying to hide it.

Rather than wearing sunglasses indoors and increasing people’s suspicions, it’s best to pair up this tip with eye drops. Using eye drops can help you hide your high if you are thinking about how to not seem high indoors.

  • Mask the smell

How to hide that you are high? Your best bet is to hide the smell. Marijuana has a very distinct smell that makes it easily detectable and recognizable. You will need to take well-thought-out precautions before, during, and after smoking weed to get away with being high.

For instance, you can have a high-quality air filter that circulates the smell. Further, you can buy odor-absorbing perfumes, especially for cannabis.

  • Change or wash your clothes

Besides knowing how to not act high by calming yourself, you also need to get rid of other shreds of evidence that may lead to suspicions. We are talking about your clothes here. The smell of marijuana sticks to clothes as well. One of the simplest ways to hide being high is changing your clothes when you are expecting company.

Keep another point in mind, people are pretty judgemental. If you avoid wearing certain clothing like Baja Hoodies that regular stoners usually wear, you can avoid getting caught when you are actually stoned.

how not to look high in front of your parents?

We know buddy! Most of the judgement you are going to get about weed smoking is from your parents. Therefore, it becomes necessary that you are able to hide your favourite recreational activity from your parents. Do you want to know how to not look high in front of parents?

If you live in the same house as your parents, getting caught smoking can be a real risk. It’s best to avoid smoking in your house or near your house. Also, don’t keep your cigarettes or bong in the house. Your parents will surely find them.

It’s best to smoke in some covered parks or in the rear side of a shop to avoid being seen by your parents. Further, change your clothes, take a shower and then enter your home after smoking. Additionally, carrying or smoking on school premises is also a bad idea. The penalty for smoking weed on school premises is usually quite high.

how to act sober while high

It is nearly impossible to sober up immediately after you have smoked weed. The high that you get from weed is because of THC and the effects of THC take some time to wear off. 

However, if you need to sober up or act sober while high we have got you covered. First, even if you are high, try to be yourself. The weed can make you have mood swings or become paranoid. In such cases, sedatives can help you combat that. However, be sure to consult your doctor before mixing a sedative with marijuana.

Another great tip to act sober while high is to get some help from a trusted friend. Ask a friend to cover for you or help you hide that you are high around people.

How to not be high

We understand that all the people who smoke marijuana may not use this plant to just get high. Marijuana has many medicinal properties and some people use it for its medicinal benefits and don’t want to get high. If you fall into this group of people then we have some tips for you.

  1. Instead of using regular weed go for CBD oil. The high that you get from cannabis is because of its THC component. Switch to CBD oil and you will be getting the benefits of weed minus the high.
  2. Use a weed strain that is high in CBD and not THC. This can highly lower your chances of getting high if that’s what you are worrying about.
  3. You can smoke a very small quantity of marijuana. Smoking a small quantity of marijuana over different intervals throughout the day will not give you the high of marijuana.
  4. Cannabis can be had raw. When you eat marijuana raw then will you get the medicinal quality of cannabis plus, you will avoid being high.
  5. Use topical cannabis balms and salves. This can be useful if you want to use weed to get rid of pain located in a specific region of your body.

final words on how to not look high?

Till now we had been covering how not to look high but if for some reason you do want to look high we have some tips for that as well.

If you want to fool people into thinking that you are high, first you need to rub your eyes to make them look red. Did you notice how stoners have red-shot eyes? That’s because cannabis expands the blood vessels in the eyes.

Second, you need to appear really relaxed. Stoners do not do anything or do not move at all if they really don’t have to. Appear really sluggish and relaxed and soon people will start asking if you smoked.  Try asking them smiling, “Why? Do I look high?”

Another great tip if you are wondering how to make yourself look high is constantly munching on sweet or salty snacks. Stoners are known to snack a lot when they are high.