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How to make gravity bong

How to make gravity bong

Introduction to Gravity Bong

Gravity bongs are one of the most popular smoking tools. Old school stoners have used this for a long period of time. Gravity Bongs are also known as Grav Bong or Gravity Pipe. Gravity bong is an ideal smoking way if you’re looking to stretch your stash as it can get you really high with little strain. It helps you get that deep inhale that can get you high AF.

It uses negative pressure to pull smoke into the small container and then a positive pressure to propel that smoke into the user’s lungs. One of the reasons why it’s so popular is that it can be easily prepared with items that can be found in every household. Let’s get started on how to make a gravity bong:

How to make a gravity bong:

Apparatus Required:

  • 2-liter bottle (Small Container) or another plastic container of equivalent capacity
  • Bucket (Large Container), a bigger plastic bottle can also be used (5 liters<)
  • Knife or Scissors
  • Toothpick 
  • Aluminum foil or bowl
  • Lighter
  • Water
  • Smokables

Gravity bongs are not to be used by beginners, this is because, in gravity bongs, the user inhales all the smoke from a bowl in one go. Only users who have a considerably fair amount of experience in smoking up should do it. Unlike a water bottle bong, Making a gravity bong requires determination and some creative effort. It can be a fun DIY project for stoners who are looking for a nostalgic experience. 

Two containers; small and large, are required to make a gravity bong. It is essential that we cut the lower end of the small container and the upper end of the large container unless the large container is a bucket where we just fill the bucket with water. Smoke is funneled through both these containers before the user inhales it. 

It is advisable that instead of an aluminum foil we use a bowl to store weed, the bowl can be a glass bowl from another one of the bongs or a specialized metal gravity bowl that you can find in the market. However, in case no bowl is available, we can use an aluminum foil to mold it into the bowl. But one should change the bowl every once in a while, after usage.


Making the Gravity Bong’s body

  • Cut the bottom of small container

       We can use a knife or a pair of scissors to cut off the bottom of the small bottle. We should preferably cut only one third or one fourth of the bottle, so the remaining bottle can be used for a larger hit.

  • Cut the top off the large container

       We move on to the large container, the top of the large container is cut so the small container can be submerged into the large container. In case of buckets, cutting is not required. Once the container is cut, fill it halfway with water.



Making the Bowl for Gravity Bong

  • Make a hole in the cap

Unscrew the cap from the small water bottle and make a hole on the cap using the knife or scissors. The hole is to be indented through the centre of the cap.

  • Widen the hole

We continue to push through the hole until the hole is widened. We do this so our bowl fits through the hole indented in the cap. The ideal size for an average shoot is a pinky size. Larger holes generally use up the smokable faster.

  • Rip off Aluminium foil

Tear off a square piece of foil that is to be used as a bowl. Make sure the size is big enough to cover the cap, tear off a piece that is long enough to use.

  • Shape the foil into a bowl

Place your finger at the middle of the foil and wrap it upwards and around the finger. This will mould the shape of foil into a bowl and will also provide the accurate size of the bowl to fit into the hole of the cap. Once the bowl is made, place the bowl on the hole made on the cap. Tuck the loose ends of the foil in the inner ends of the cap.

  • Poke holes into the foil

Use the toothpick to poke holes into the bowl once the cap is totally covered by the foil. Make sure the holes aren’t too big or else the smokable will fall down. 4-6 holes into the bowl should do the job.


Using the Gravity Bong

  • Load the bowl

Place your stash inside the bowl (metal or foil based). Assemble the bong later; place the bowl in the hole indented on the cap. Then, check if your smokable is leaking through the hole. 

  • Submerge the small container into the large container

Place the top of the 2-liter bottle that we cut into the large container. Screw the cap with the bowl, onto the small container. Make sure most part of the small container is inside the water.

  • Light the smokables 

Use a lighter to burn the smokables and gently pull the bottle outside of the water. This will fill the entire bottle with smoke, if this doesn’t happen, you might have to check for leaks or gaps in the cap or bowl. Even the tiniest of holes or leaks can compromise the experience of Gravity Bongs.

  • Unscrew the cap

Unscrew the cap on the small container and place your mouth on the bottle. Gently push the bottle inside the water, as the water enters the bottle, it will then force the smoke inside your lungs.

Do Gravity Bongs get you higher than other smoking tools?

Gravity bongs tend to fill your lungs with way more smoke than an average joint or pipe. It gives you a strong hit of THC that not everybody can handle. So, yes, it is one of the most effective ways to get high and has the capacity to make you blaze harder than any other smoking method.

Are water bottles safe to use for gravity bong?

Though we cannot undermine the risks of smoking out of a plastic container. Researchers are yet to find out how that impacts our health. Many stoners prefer glass or silicone pots over plastic as a precaution. If you choose to proceed to smoke from a plastic pot anyway, be aware of the risks and proceed with caution.

How often do we change the bowl in a gravity bong if it is made of Aluminium foil?

The bowl made out of Aluminium is reusable but once the holes start to clog, or if the foil is ripped, or if it messes with the required ventilation, the bowl should be replaced by another new one. 

Are Gravity Bongs unhealthy?

Gravity bongs are as unhealthy as smoking from any other bong, glass, pipe or pot. A cannabis smoker need not worry about any other hazard than the effect from significantly higher amount of smoke and THC consumption.


  • Gatorade bottles are a better alternative to water bottles for small containers. It is thicker than a regular water bottle and sturdier. Also, it has a wider cap that can facilitate bigger bowls.

  • Foils when burnt do not emit sufficient aluminium to cause any health hazards, but it is still advisable that we use metal/glass bowl pieces. This is because foil can change the taste of the smokable, and it produces an odor that lasts longer.

  • Poke a carb hole at the high side of the small container. Cover the hole when the bottle fills with smoke. This carb hole will help you suck the smoke out and will also avoid burn on your fingers when you light up your stash. 

  • Gravity bongs are known for their capacity of collecting an extravagant amount of smoke than a regular bong. It is advisable to have a glass of iced water and some refreshments for the throat to be prepared for coughing in advance.