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How To Get Weed Smell Out Of The Car

How To Get Weed Smell Out Of The Car

It is not uncommon for people to smoke weed inside their cars. And with the legalization of marijuana in many countries, the number of people consuming weed is bound to increase in the coming future as well. However, the one issue many encounters while smoking is the undisguised smell of the dry herb flowers. Simply & ;rolling down my windows, airing cars out, and keeping an air freshener hanging won’t do the job.

So, how to get the weed smell out of the car? Here’s what we know about eradicating the pungent smell.

How To Get The Weed Smell Out Of The Car?

Before we move into giving instructions on how to get the weed smell out of a car, the first thing we must clear out is "never drive stoned." No matter what, never drive under the influence of marijuana. 

Unlike any other elements, getting rid of the weed smell out of the car is tough. It is one of those stubborn smells that latches on to your car interiors for a god-awful time. But fear not, here we have compiled a list of all the tips and processes on how to get the weed smell out of a car.

1. masking fragrance

Well, completely eradicating the smell out of the car is impossible, but what we can do is mask the fragrance of your car. There are many options on how you can get rid of the smell.

Still, masking fragrances such as Febreze or anything with strong scents can temporarily cover the strong weed smell. You can also use colognes, incense, body sprays, or masking agents in other cases. 

Using a concoction of deodorizer consisting of high-proof vodka, essential oils, and water works like a charm in masking the fragrances. However, one of the drawbacks of masking fragrances is that they will only last for about 4-6 hours. Hence, it would be best if you reapplied the mixture regularly to remove the weed smell of the car. So, make sure to do so before you lend a ride to your family members or a hitchhiker.

2. odor absorbers

Another trick you can use to get rid of the car’s weed smell is activated charcoal. It not only absorbs the pungent weed smell but also masks the pet odors, cooking odors, the stink of

garbage, and more. The active ingredient charcoal has a negative charge that attracts dissolved gasses and toxins to its surface. If you cannot find activated charcoal, you can always work with baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate. Also known as an excellent odor absorber, it is pretty affordable.

So, how to remove the weed smell from the car?

You must sprinkle a fair amount on the seats and carpet and let it sit for fifteen minutes or so.

After that, vacuum the car; if that is too much to do, you can always place a generous amount in a bowl and leave it overnight. Another great contributor to how to get the weed smell out of the car is white vinegar. Yes, it is not only useful as a side dressing for your salad but also helps a lot in masking the weed smell.  To do so, pour a cup of vinegar into a bowl and leave it in the car overnight. With it, combine a teaspoon of vinegar with a cup of water. Not only are they affordable, but they are eco-friendly as well.

3. odor eliminators

Despite the need to eliminate the weed smell, the former two components may not be readily

available on your pedestal. Well, fear not; you can use Ozium, a spray for indoor odors that

works fine. Since the spray uses chemicals like trimethylene glycol and propylene glycol, which can cause skin, eye, and lung irritation. In addition, it also reduces bacteria and can work like a charm for industrial uses such as hotels, hospitals, and schools. Hence, refrain from using this in public places and ensure you wear protective gloves, masks, and glasses. Also, wash thoroughly after its use.

4. deep cleaning

Even though using sprays might work out in masking the smell, it is always better to have your car professionally cleaned. In following so, you don't have to go through the internet and search ;how to get weed smell out of car or & ;how to get weed smell out of car fabric,& and so on. Any residue left inside the car will be deeply cleaned, which could be challenging.

how to get the weed smell out of car fabric?

Even though getting rid of the smell is easy, some residue sticks on the car fabric. So, the

A question arises of how to get the weed smell out of car fabric. Well, for that, a thoroughly

Professional clean-up is your best option. Here’s what you should follow to get rid of the weed smell from the car and its fabric.

  • First, remove all the clutter and garbage from the car, including the weed residue and

pungent accessories.

  • Thoroughly vacuum all surfaces, carpets, and upholstery.
  • Now, deep clean the interior using a foam upholstery shampoo or machine.
  • Replace the car air filter.
  • Use an ozone machine to deodorize your car from the weed smell and air it out.
  • Quickly wrap up the cleaning process with an air freshener of your choice.

how to get the weed smell out of the car vent?

Out of all the interiors, including car fabrics, it is especially tough to get the weed smell out of

the car vent. 

One of the things that help greatly is cleaning or replacing the air filter itself. Another way of clearing the vent is not using the weed. But if you followed that, then we would not be here.

You can also get the weed smell out by deodorizing the car. You must use an ozone machine with the car running and the A/C system set to circulation mode. Then all you have to do is air it out before driving.

how to get the weed smell out of a car fast?

If you just smoked a pot and are in a hurry to get that scent out, you better drive with your air

conditioning. Also, pull the windows down for a while. Doing so cleans up the car vents without leaving a trace of lingering weed odor.

why does my car smell like weed?

Since its inception, weed has been used by many for curing severe pain, stress, and anxiety. And with its legalization in some places, its use is bound to gain momentum any minute. Weed does have a distinctly strong smell which can be hard to remove. Terpenes, a chemical found in marijuana, is enhanced through smoking. The smoke can be tough to remove as it saturates a car and penetrates deep into the fabrics.

how to prevent your car from starting to smell like weed?

We recommend you lower the windows if you are smoking weed but don’t want the smell to linger. It is preferable to open the windows at least two inches to let the air flow. Though it may not eliminate the odor, it will fizzle the smell. Additionally, this reduces the smell from being absorbed by the seats, dashboard, and fabric ceiling.

Another answer on how to make cars not smell like weed is using orange peels. A little

traditional, we admit, but the natural fragrance of the nectar fruit is spell-bounding and fresh.

It might not remove the weed smell as a whole, but it does help in camouflaging the weed scent.

how long does weed smell stay in the car?

It is well-settled that weed leaves a rather pungent smell once smoked. It not only leaves a

residue, but the scent sticks up the interiors for a long time, 48 hours to be exact. Other than that, the duration of the smoke also makes a huge difference. Also, the smell will linger much longer if you fail to leave the windows open and run your air vents.