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How Much Water Do You Put in a Bong?

How Much Water Do You Put in a Bong?

How much water do you put in a bong? This question echoes in the mind of every weed lover who is just starting out. We love bongs because they produce chilled and filtered smoke which is impossible with rolling papers or brownies. However, it can get confusing as bongs come in all types, shapes, and sizes. And without the appropriate water level, the cannabis vapour that you inhale might be too hot to handle.

Whether you are new to smoking bongs or a veteran, there is always something interesting that you don’t know about this herb. This article provides complete information about smoking bongs, water levels, and the basic science behind these cannabis vaporizers. Let’s dive in.


Perfect Water Level for a Bong

How much water goes in a bong with a simple and straight tube design? The quick answer would be just enough to fully submerge the down stem of the pipe. The important thing to remember here is that the water level should not be so high that it reaches your mouth when you smoke a cone. It is also crucial to make sure that the water does not rise through the pipe and wet your stuff before you ignite it. This is a pretty common mistake among beginners.

One way to set a perfect water level for a bong is to look at the intersection where the pipe meets the body of the bong. For most simple bongs, the optimal water level is just below the intersection point. This ensures that the pipe just submerges into the water and the smoke is filtered and cooled properly.

As long as the pipe submerges in the water, there is no restriction on setting the water level much lower than the intersection point. This tip is especially applicable for small bongs. It is because small bongs have a tendency to lift water along with the smoke. Thus, the lower the water level, the lower the chance of water getting into your mouth. Tasting bong water is one of the worst things you can experience.


How Much Water Do You Put in a Perc Bong?

There are many cannabis lovers who specifically want a perc bong for smoking purposes. This is because perc does not let the bong water rise to the level of the mouthpiece. Furthermore, it also adds an additional filtration level and helps in cooling the smoke. Many users get confused about how much water to fill in a perc bong. However, if you think logically, the answer is just the same. 

You have to make sure that all perc openings are submerged in water. Start with the cone (where you insert the smoking material for ignition) and follow its path. See where the smoke goes right after being burned. After you locate the smoke zone, make sure it is submerged in water.

Perc bongs are scientifically made with many chambers. They provide an elevated smoking experience but they are also hard to clean and maintain. As long as the smoke passes through the water layers before entering your lungs, you are good to go!


How to Fill a Bong with Water?

How to fill a bong with water? This question might seem silly at first. However, it can be confusing if you have perc bongs with multiple chambers.

For simple and straight bongs, just pour the water from the mouthpiece until the pipe is submerged in the water. For perc bongs, you can repeat the same thing. However, you have to check if all chambers have sufficient water in their base. You can add additional pressure from the mouthpiece by blowing air if the water is stuck in the upper chambers and refuses to flow down.


Why Do You Put Water in a Bong?

Water is the essence of any bong. Without water, the bong is no different from a smoking pipe. So, why do you put water in a bong?

Cool Smoke

Water is a famous cooling agent. Usually, when you smoke rolling papers, the temperature on the filter(mouthpiece) can get really hot. It leads to burnt lips and may also cause damage to your throat. However, when the smoke passes through water, the temperature is lowered by a huge margin. Thus, you can enjoy your high without any difficulties.

Filtering Purposes

Even though weed is a relatively safe recreational drug, it still contains many toxins that might be harmful to your health. This is because many distributors mix the original stuff with some other chemicals to make the high more significant.

Having an extra layer of water ensures that the smoke is filtered properly before it enters your lungs. Furthermore, if any solid particles pass through the pipe, the water will hold them and prevent them from reaching the mouthpiece.

The Sound

Believe it or not, the sound that a water bong makes is really addictive to hear. It makes the smoking process really enjoyable. When air passes through the pipe and collides with water, it creates a bubbled sound that is really satisfying. Newbies might disagree with this point but real potheads know how significant this sound is to the smoking experience.

A Different High

If you are a regular user of marijuana, you surely know the difference between smoking a joint and hitting a bong shot. Due to the water and the process of inhalation, the bong endows a different kind of high to its users. It is different in the sense that the high is almost immediately felt and lasts much shorter than smoking a rolling paper.


Is Water Level Important in a Bong?

Definitely! If you keep the water level too low, the smoke might pass without making contact with the liquid. This is never preferable as the smoke is much hotter and hard to inhale. Contrary to this, if the water level is too high, the water might get sucked up with the smoke and enter your mouth. Both of these conditions should be avoided, especially the second one.

Moreover, having too much water in the bongs makes the task a bit harder for your lungs as you have to hit harder.

Final Words

Water bongs are among the best ways to consume cannabis hits. It is pleasing and provides users with an instant high. If you are a weed enthusiast, it is in your best interests to know how much water you should put in a bong. We hope this article was helpful and will see you in the next one. Till then, stay high!