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HHC vs THC: What is HHC and How Does it Compare to THC?

HHC vs THC: What is HHC and How Does it Compare to THC?

Introduction: What is HHC?

Even though Roger Adams discovered HHC in 1940s, it has only recently gained popularity. HHC is a cannabinoid that can be found naturally in marijuana. Just like Delta 8 THC, it is an alternative to the regular cannabis and can produce similar positive effects. HHC is found in cannabis plants in such low amounts that the extraction is difficult without realizing loss.

The commercial manufacture of HHC has begun and it is the current most promising product in the cannabis market. It is short for Hexahydro Cannabinol and contains less than 0.1% of Delta 9 THC, which is an illegal drug in most states. HHC and Delta 8 lets users experience more personalized and subtle highs. Commercial HHC is produced in lab from chemical reactions on Cannabidiol (CBD).


How is HHC Produced?

HHC was first produced in the lab by the hydrogenation of THC molecules. The chemist Roger Adams added Hydrogen atoms to THC and altered the physical characteristics. The double bond of the THC molecule is replaced by hydrogen atoms during hydrogenation. As a result, HHC is formed. Furthermore, it also exists in natural form in all cannabis plants.

Hydrogenation changes the molecular weight of molecules and also makes them less reactive. Thus, HHC can be safely stored for a longer duration than Delta 9 THC. 


Does HHC get you high?

Chemically, HHC only has about 0.1% of THC. It still creates similar effects on the users as compared to THC. Users have reported that the high of HHC is somewhere between the Delta 8 and 9 variants. In addition, the side effects such as anxiety are much more subtle.

HHC is extracted and manufactured in lab. The after product is a mixture of both active and inactive HHC. The high that the users experienced are solely from the active molecules that react with cannabinoid receptors. If some technology could cost-effectively separate the active molecules, HHC could quickly climb up as an THC alternative. That said, every information published about HHC is still early and much research is yet to be done. 


What are the Side Effects and Disadvantages of HHC? 

The side effects observed in users of HHC are very similar to the Delta 9 THC. Users mostly experienced mild anxiety and paranoia. With adequate usage, cases like dry mouth and eyes, increased appetite, and trouble to sleep were also visible. For pregnant women, it is advised to stay away from HHC. The compound can lower the weight of the child.

Moreover, HHC can influence the concentration and decision making of drivers. HHC users are prone to car accidents. Consuming and building a life around HHC and THC products can heavily degrade your personal relationships. Also, it can be really addictive for teenagers whose brains are still under development. Finally, there is the risk of mental illness as all forms of cannabis are known to induce anxiety and depression.

If you already a Delta 9 THC user, you shouldn’t be too concerned about the health effects of HHC as they are relatively mild. 


Does HHC Show Up in a Drug Test?

Let’s understand how drug tests for THC work. As you consume cannabis, the molecules enter your body and breakdown and metabolize into several compounds. One of the most basic compounds is II-hydroxy-THC. This is also the same compound which the tests are checking for.

Quite surprisingly, HHC doesn’t go through a similar breakdown process like Delta 8 THC and Delta 9 THC. Thus, it doesn’t metabolize into the mentioned compound. That said, much research on HHC is yet to be done and things could change soon. For now, it might be safe to assume that HHC won’t show up in a drug test.


Is HHC Legal?

The congress implemented the Farm Bill in 2018. According to the Farm Bill 2018, all products derived from Hemp are legal for production and consumption. However, the deal breaker is that the products must contain less than 0.3% THC. 

HHC is a hemp product derived from CBD in labs. It contains less than 0.l% THC. Thus, we can conclude that HHC is technically legal in all states. Many experts and publishers had previously declared the Delta 8 THC as legal. But many states soon banned it after a rise in popularity.

As of 2022, HHC is legal. But as it continues to grow and challenges the legal THC market, many states may start to ban it individually.


HHC vs Delta 8 THC

HHC and Delta 8 THC are cannabis products that are different yet similar in the effects they produce. HHC is a slightly stronger product as users have experienced moderate to strong high. On the other hand, Delta 8 THC is mostly mild and never produced a strong high. This is surprising considering the fact that HHC contains less than 0.1% THC whereas Delta 8 THC contains about 1% of THC. 

HHC and Delta 8 are sold for similar prices on the market. They are a bit cheaper than the regular THC i.e., Delta 9. The recommended dosage to experience the high of HHC and Delta 8 are 10-30 milligrams and 10-40 milligrams respectively. Both of these cannabis products have an advantage over Delta 9 that is the reduction of anxiety. Users have reported fewer side effects from HHC and Delts 8. 

Finally, since HHC is produced from hydrogenation, it has excellent resistance to UV rays and heat. As a result, it flaunts a shelf life of 5+ years. On the other hand, Delta 8 can be stored for about 3 to 5 years.   


HHC vs Delta 9 THC

HHC and Delta 9 THC are close relatives originating in natural form in the same plant. The market cost of Delta 9 THC is higher than that of HHC. The high is also stronger and lasts much longer than HHC. A regular HHC has a THC concentration of about 0.1% which can go up to 30% for Delta 9 variants. Also, a small dose of Delta 9 (about 5-10 grams) is enough for regular users to get their desired high.

Delta 9 has a much shorter shelf life as compared to HHC. It cannot be stored for more than 3 years. In addition, the side effects and withdrawal symptoms that user experience is much stronger when consuming Delta 9 THC.


Medical Benefits of HHC

As with other variants of cannabis, HHC also has the potential to serve as a major medicinal herb. In Japan, some researchers successfully increased pain tolerability in mice using HHC. There are several other promising research that show HHC in the same light as THC in terms of medical benefits.