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50 Best Games To Play While High

50 Best Games To Play While High

After a long tiring week, everyone wants to unwind and enjoy themselves. If you are in a partying and relaxing mode then this think-piece is a must-read for you. 

When entertainment and fun are on your mind the best way to go about it is to organize a high games party where you can take the fun up a notch. Enjoy yourself on the weekend with your friends, some weed, and some weed games.

This is the ultimate list of smoking games that you would ever need to get the party started and have a lit time with your friends. 

Check out the best games to play while high and have an amusing time with your lit friends:

50 Best Games to Play While High

  1. Jammin

Bob Marley’s Jammin song is an integral part of the stoner culture and is somewhat of an anthem for fellow stoners. In this awesome smoking game, whenever the sweet word ‘Jammin’ comes up in the song you guys need to take a hit. Just be cautious about not going overboard with your smoking limit for this game.

  1. Nostalgic video games

If you want to have a nostalgic time with your friends while in high school, choose to play Halo or racing games like Road Rash. These will bring back memories of when we used to rush home from school to play video games with our friends.

  1. Ash Bomber

Ash bomber is one of the most popular pot games out there. You need a jar or cup, some paper (or toilet paper), a penny, & rolled joint for this game. 

Cover the cup with the paper and place the penny on top of the paper. While you take a hit you need to hold the smoke, exhale and try to burn a hole in the paper to make the penny drop in the cup. Whoever makes the penny drop in the cup loses and has to do what the other players ask him to do.

  1. Wheel of weed

If arts and crafts is your thing while you are high this stoner game is the one you’ll enjoy. You need to make a wheel out of any material of your choice and add different tasks to each section of the wheel. 

Spin the wheel. Whatever task gets pointed at a person in the wheel has to be completed by him.

  1. Medusa

According to the legends, whoever looked into the eyes of Medusa turned to stone. This weed game is inspired by this legend. Here, everyone needs to sit in a circle with their joint looking downwards until the count of three. After three, each player needs to look into the eyes of anyone who is staring at them, call out “Medusa” and smoke.

  1. Out Smoke 

Out Smoke is the best game to play high and to get high. As the name suggests, it tests the participant’s capacity to handle the most cannabis. For this, you can get all your stoner gamers and challenge each other to test each other’s lung capacity.

  1.  Smoke and Go Seek

Smoke and Go Seek is a stoner’s version of Hide and seek. The game of hide and seek is even more fun when the players are high. When it comes to the rules of the game, it is quite flexible. Either all the participants can take a hit or the one who seeks can smoke a joint before finding all the participants. 

  1. Never have I ever

Never have I ever is an amazing game that doubles up as a confessional. The players say “Never have I ever” followed by some bizarre incidents in life and the ones who haven’t done the action have to do something as a punishment. In the ‘Never have I ever’ games for stoners people take a hit when they haven’t done a particular thing.

  1. Weed Jenga

Jenga is a very popular game. In Weed Jenga, you guessed it….you play Jenga while being stoned. It’s hard to say whether being stoned is either an advantage or a disadvantage here. Cannabis dulls your senses but it also soothes your nerves to be stable. Play Weed Jenga and tell us if it improved or spoiled your Jenga skills.

  1. Last Person Standing

We recommend you play this game when you don’t have any other commitments for the rest of the day. Last Person Standing is similar to a stoner’s heavyweight championship. The game tests how much one can physically smoke and remain awake and not pass out. The last person to remain awake after smoking the most is the winner.

  1. Stoned musical chairs

The musical chair is everyone’s favorite childhood game and stoned musical chair is pretty self-explanatory. The Rule: Anyone who finds a chair needs to take a hit.

  1. Nug hunt

Welcome to the adult version of the easter egg hunt. However, in the Nug hunt instead of finding money inside the easter egg, you are going to find loads of weed.

  1. Strip Choker

Strip Choker is one the most lit weed-smoking games. Here the players need to smoke cannabis and hold their breath in for as long as they can. The first one to exhale needs to give up one article of clothing.

  1. Joint Rolling Competition

Not all smoker games need to be just for fun, they can also be about craftsmanship. Get together with your close friends and have a competition to announce the best joint roller among you. 

  1. Hide the Weed

It’s a scavenger hunt with weed being the ultimate prize. With this marijuana game, just keep a track of where you hide your stash so that you don’t end up spending weeks finding your ultimate treasure.

  1. Stoned Olympics

We all know how stringent the Olympics is about screening weed. However, we can plan a series of Olympic games at our party where we can all compete while being high.

  1. Greenjack

Greenjack is the improved and adult version of blackjack. While in blackjack, people play with money, in greenjack players can bet with weed or the number of hits one can take.

  1. Puff and Pass

One of the easiest smoking games is Puff and Pass. You may avoid playing this if you are a germophobe. In this game, you and your friends can sit in a circle and each of you can take a puff from the bong and pass it around. 

You can get creative in this smoke game and have players confess something very personal about them while they take a hit.

  1. High card

High card is another one of the good games to play with weed. Just shuffle a deck of cards and let each player draw one card. Ask each of your friends to reveal what card they got. The player with the highest card gets the honor to smoke. The alternative can also be done where only the player with the highest card doesn’t get to smoke.

  1. One word story

By far one of the most creative weed party games, where each player has to say one word and the next player says another to create a story. In this way, your entire group of friends comes up with a fluid story. The player who gets stuck to create a sensible word needs to take a bong hit.

  1. DIY Master

When the weed has made you feel inspired it’s best to put it to good use. Find everyday household materials at your home like a plastic bottle or something and have a competition among your friends to create a DIY Bong.

  1. Straight Face

The smoking game straight face can take your weekend enjoyment to the next level. Get each of your friends sufficiently high. It’s very hard to keep a straight face when someone has smoked weed. Either the stoner laughs or shows a different kind of emotion. Here, a friend can challenge anyone from the group to keep a straight face. If he/she loses, then they have to complete an action as a punishment.

  1. Taxi

This smoking game is best for a small group of friends. Here, you need to take a puff and hold your breath until the joint comes back to you. Whoever exhales before they get the joint back loses and is out of the game.

  1. Stoner movie time

When you just want to relax and chill with your friends, this stoner game is the best for you. You need to select a classic stoner movie for this game. Every time either any character gets high or mentions getting high you need to take a hit.

  1. Traffic lights

Traffic lights is a cannabis game to get super baked. In this game, blunts or bongs are circulated in a group and there is a gradual increase of taking hits by the players each time the bong completes one round in the group. For example, in the first round, each player takes one hit and in the second round, two hits.

  1. Bong Pong

Beer pong is a very popular party game. Bong pong is the weed version of beer pong. In this smoking game, you can either include weed or have a combination of both beer and weed. Each player has to throw a ping pong ball in a cup filled with either beer or water. If the ball lands on the opponent’s cup, the player has to either just smoke or both smoke and drink beer.

  1. Obstacle course

An obstacle course can be one of the popular smoke games to have in your party games. Just devise either a small or elaborate obstacle course where players have to overcome the obstacles while being high. The aim of winning the obstacle course can be getting to the key to escape the room.

  1. Rock, paper, & scissors

You  play the usual rock, paper, & scissors game smoking. The objective of the game here is to win the game to take the hit. It’s a familiar game with double the joy since getting high is also involved now.

  1. Smoking dice

Games about weed are usually fun and silly. In case of smoking dice, you need to buy a dice especially created for this game. The smoking dice have different silly actions written on each face. You need to roll the dice and take a hit and perform the task that comes up.

  1. Fastest, longest, & heaviest blunt rolling competition

Rolling blunt is somewhat of an art and there is a smoking game competition that recognizes this unique talent. On your weed party night, you can have a blunt rolling competition where there will be an individual winner in each criterion of the fastest blunt made or the longest or the heaviest blunt made.

  1. Shotguns

Here, the blunt will be hidden. The one who can find it smokes the blunt in shotgun fashion. 

  1. Marco/Polo

This  isn’t your regular Marco/polo game. In this game, the blunt is passed all around a circle of friends. The one who takes the hit says Marco and the next person who wants to take the hit says polo. The process is completed in the whole circle.

  1. Bong Race

Bong  race as the name suggests is a smoking game in which you participate in a race with your bongs. In this game, you need to bring your own bong and stuff it with a fat bowl. Spark the bowl, and the person who clears all the hits of the bong first wins.

  1. Running man

This  is the most fun game to play when high. In running man, each player has to smoke the fattest hit and participate in a race from one place to another. The person who either wins or loses needs to take another fat hit.

  1. Push-up Challenge

Smoke cannabis and get down doing as many push-ups as you can with your friends. The person, who does the maximum push-ups before exhaling, wins the competition.

  1. Blunts

To play this one, you will need a basketball hoop and a basketball. Blunts are just the improved weed version of the basketball game of horse. Your friends will need to aim for the basket and for each shot missed he/she will have to take a hit and spell one letter of “blunts.”

  1. Film name game

Adding a twist to the classic game, here, a person names a film that comes to their mind. Then, the next person names another film starting with the last letter of the previous film. The person who is unable to continue the same needs to take a toke or avoid taking a toke.

  1. Charades

It is like a regular dumb charade but the players need to be high while playing the game. Divide your friends into two teams. Each team will give the name of an object to a member of the opponent team and the opponent team members have to guess it based on the acting.

  1. Video games

If your friends are gamers, then the best way to enjoy your party would be to get high and play video games. You can play your regular favorite video games like Mario or there are tons of marijuana online games which can spice up your evening. The loser needs to buy munchies for the winner.

  1. Get Musical

Form a band with your friends after smoking weed. Choose some songs about being or getting high. “High by the beach” is a fine choice, to begin with. Any friend who starts laughing loses and has to either buy something for the rest of the friends or perform a funny task.

  1. Stoned Poker

Poker is a very serious game where to win one has to play strategic hands. If your friend group enjoys testing out their mind skills while being high then you can go with stoned poker. 

  1. Pokemon Go

Your favorite and popular game, Pokemon Go has just gotten better. Gather your friends at a place and start playing Pokemon Go. Just a reminder, since you will be playing this game being high, stay away from traffic.

  1. Wacky Weed Categories

In this smoking game, the players can select any letter from the alphabet and challenge another player to name something from a particular category. For example, Name a band starting with the letter ‘a.’

  1. Band names first and last

It is the same as the Wacky Weed Categories game in the sense that it involves band names and musician names, but there is a twist. For example: Here, the player will say one band name, and the next player will have to name a band or musician starting with the same letter as the end of the previous band/ musician name.

  1. Stonerville monopoly

If you like playing monopoly then you will love this game. This is a monopoly board game where the scenarios are created especially so that players can enjoy their high.

  1. Power hour

Power hour is not a typical game; it is more about enjoying music as well as enjoying one’s high. Here, multiple songs worth 1 hour are played one after the other in random increments i.e. one will play for 15 seconds, 20 seconds, & 30 seconds, etc.

  1. Rock Band

Rock band can be played with a large group of friends. Guitar Hero can also be played if you don’t have Rock band. The basic idea of the game is to select a score and the opponent team has to score more than the selected score. The winning team gets to take a hit.

  1. Spliff Solitaire

This game can be played by the loner stoner who wants to spend the weekend alone. Just get on the computer and start the solitaire game. If you win, play the game again. If you lose, which can happen many times if you are high, take another hit and then play again.

  1. Name that tune

Each player gets a chance to play a song or tune of their choice. If anyone guesses the right song then all the participants take a hit. However, if no one can guess the song then only the tune player takes the hit.

  1. Mentioning Marijuana

If  you aim to get really baked then you need to select a particular t.v. series where there are ample mentions of weed, marijuana, & ganja. Each time any phrase or word related to smoking weed comes up, each of your friends needs to take a hit.

which smoking game should i play?

Well, That’d totally depend upon what kind of person you are and what strain you are smoking. Strains have a major thing to do on the type of high you’ll get. There are plenty of weed games out there. There are games for groups, musical people, lazy stoners, etc. Choose the best you love.